The need for speed has gone beyond car and motorcycle racing. Today’s Internet users also want fast speed when online, especially when downloading large files or playing online games. For them, a slow internet connection is a no-no.

In fact, it can be very frustrating when our internet becomes slow, especially when downloading a document file is at a snail’s pace. Even though we sign up for a certain internet or broadband speed, we don’t actually get what we were promised every time.

If there is nothing your ISP or Internet Service Provider can do to increase your speed, you can do the following:

Check your firmware and/or driver for your router or modem – Sometimes it’s the modem or router or even the network adapter that is causing the slow speeds. Your modem or router firmware or driver may no longer be up-to-date, requiring some updates. The companies that make these devices are always finding ways to improve the performance of their products by updating the software that comes with them. A simple driver or firmware update can do wonders to improve your internet speed.

Improve your access point – Sometimes the connection is slower when the computer you are using is not directly connected to your broadband and is instead connected via Wi-Fi. If you live in a densely populated city, there may be many Wi-Fi facilities within your vicinity, which may be causing interference. If that’s what’s causing the slow connection, try changing the channel on your router. Consult your manual for instructions on how to do this.

clean your machine – Sometimes the culprit behind slow speeds is some nasty virus, spyware, or malware on your computer. Get rid of these criminals by running your antivirus program. You should also clear your browser’s cookies, cache, and browsing history. Doing these simple things can help you improve your Internet speed.

Call your ISP – Once you’ve finished doing things on your end but still can’t get a satisfactory speed, contact your broadband provider so they can test your connection. The problem may be on the line or somewhere on the network. They can run these tests from their end by simply pressing buttons.

Make sure you get what you paid for by following these tips to increase your home broadband speed and make your Internet experience something you’ll enjoy, not despise.