Why have a satellite phone? If you’re out of cellular range, or want to be prepared just in case, a satellite phone is the perfect investment.

They have been growing in popularity recently and why is pretty obvious. While statellite phones were once big and cumbersome, newer models are more like the now common “smartphones.” With voice and data services around the world, portable satellite phones are perfect for a wide variety of users. For users who are concerned about the security of their conversations, portable satellite phones do not work with traditional telecommunications architecture, and as a result, there is a greatly reduced chance of wiretapping.

Satellite phones use their own networks, in addition to established cell phone networks. This gives several advantages over cell phones. For example, the possibility of worldwide coverage; fewer users to overload the satellites; immunity to problems cell phone towers often face, such as damage from natural forces or accidents; and superior quality and durability for the phone itself, to make for a longer-lasting, high-quality device. Like cell phones, a satellite phone can be used for both voice and data transfer.

cost of use

The initial investment for a satellite phone evens out pretty quickly. There are different plan rates depending on how you use the phone. Outgoing calls are often priced lower than incoming calls, so using your satellite phone to make calls can be cost effective. A call to a landline or cell phone number is inexpensive, although calling other satellite phones may be more expensive.


Renting a satellite phone is a perfect way to determine if it’s the right technology for you. When considering a rental, there are important things to keep in mind:

First, deal with a reputable company. Second, know what you plan to use the satellite phone for. Third, how long you plan to use it for and fourth, where you will need service. Finally, get a rental that includes airtime, accessories, spare batteries, power adapter, and instructions.

brand names

Iridium and Globalstar lead the satellite phone market. With over a hundred satellites between them, either option is a great choice to buy or rent. Both companies are highly respected and have provided trusted equipment and services for over a decade.