Starting a new writing project is exciting. You had the idea, you planned the chapters and the time to write has come. When I work on a book, I write for hours, think about reviews constantly, and even review them in my sleep. However, if I don’t watch myself, I can become obsessed with writing. I work more than I should, I fall behind in housework, my back hurts, and my eyes are tired and gritty.

Neither of these things encourages writing. As I write, I think of my disabled husband and my duties of care. Although I take good care of him, sometimes I don’t take good care of myself. To be productive, writers must take care of their physical and emotional selves. Self-care can prevent debilitating colds, long-term illnesses, and burnout. Here are some suggestions for you.

Adjust your chair. Mayo Clinic, in their article, “Office Ergonomics: Your How-To Guide,” says that your knees should be level with your hips when sitting in a computer chair. My chair is comfortable, but it doesn’t support my lower back, so I use a small beanbag pillow. I bought the travel pillow from an airport store and it comes in handy to have it.

Use a footrest. Your feet may not reach the ground if you are a short person. The solution is to prop your feet up on a small stool or on a stack of books. Usually my feet are flat on the ground. Still, after working a long time, I worry about the veins in my legs, I stretch my legs and support them on a stool under my computer desk.

Move. Short breaks are surprisingly effective. I get up every half hour, do some stretches, and walk around the room. You can do this or walk instead. Desk workouts are described in the article, “Deskercise! 33 Smart Ways to Work Out at Work,” on the Greatest website. Describes stationary jogging, squats, backing against a wall, chair exercises, and more. Pick a few exercises and do them regularly.

Eat healthy snacks. The calories in snacks add up quickly. In fact, they can amount to a total meal. Limit your sweet and salty snacks. You will find more ideas in “10 Office Snacks to Eat at Your Desk “by Leyla Shamayeva on the Calorie Count website. Recommends cups of cereal, nuts, whole wheat crackers, peanut butter, dried fruit, and fruit cups sealed in water. Technically, water It is not a snack, but it is wise to have bottled water on hand. “Sip throughout the day and watch your productivity and mood improve,” the author writes.

Try to get eight hours of sleep. Even if you are a “night owl”, you need to get enough rest. Try to go to bed at the same time each night. Lower the temperature in your bedroom to promote sleep. Avoid big projects and annoying TV programming before bed because they can keep you awake. A body pillow can help you sleep more comfortably.

Nurture your spirit. I’m a health and wellness writer and when I get bogged down it is generally due to a lack of information. Searching for additional information can be tedious. Instead of doing the research right away, I ask for time-out and renew my spirit with poetry (I love Robert Frost), read a magazine article, or look at photos on a royalty-free website. Fifteen minutes later, I am full of energy and ready to go back to work.

These tips will help you stay energized and ready to write.