What are the signs? Is your spouse cheating on you or not? Any unusual behavior can be misinterpreted as a “sign” of a cheater. Of course, there are some spouses who are more likely to cheat than others, and the signs are surely appropriate, but some spouses just don’t cheat. He understands that when we look for signs of a cheater, we’re sure to find them, but let’s assume our spouse isn’t cheating on us.

For this article, I am going to use the alleged signs of a cheating spouse to show how easily we can be swayed into believing something that may or may not be fact. Is your spouse cheating on you or does it just seem like they are cheating on you?

Signs that your husband is NOT cheating on you

1. He stays late

You stay up late working overtime at your job because you have to work harder, longer hours for all the new clothes, furniture, cars, boats, houses, and other things you’re buying for both home and entertainment. Or maybe he’s staying out late with his friends, which doesn’t necessarily mean he’s cheating or even looking to cheat. When in doubt, just ask. If he says he’s not cheating, then give him the benefit of the doubt.

2. Strange numbers on your cell phone

He has unknown numbers on his cell phone because he has many contacts for his work. The fact that her husband has strange numbers that you are not familiar with on her cell phone certainly does not mean that she is cheating on you. The best she can do is ask you directly who the numbers belong to or call them yourself. However, be careful, a woman can respond and you can take it as something more than innocent.

3. Start dressing better

Instead of wearing his usual khakis or sweatshirts when he goes out, he now wears more formal attire and makes sure his hair is combed and clean shaven. He starts to dress better because he takes more pride in himself since he married his lovely wife. He wants to look good for his wife and his family. Is there nothing wrong with that?

4. You asked him if he was cheating on you

You asked him if he was cheating on you and he said no. Is it hard for you to believe him? For what? Sometimes we want to believe something so bad that we find reasons to believe it. If we keep bombarding our minds with the cues of a cheater, we start to believe that our husband is cheating on us. It’s strange how the mind works, but it’s true.

– Signs that your wife is NOT cheating on you –

1. Clicks away from the website when you enter the room

It quickly gets rid of the website you were looking at when you walk into the room because it doesn’t want you to know that it’s looking at YOUR history files to see what you’ve been looking at. She was controlling you. Why do you think your wife needs to do that? What have you been doing?

2. Pretty dresses for others

Women love clothes and they love to dress up when they go out. Here is a secret that you may not know yet. Most women don’t dress for other men, they dress for themselves to feel good about who they are. It’s hard for a man to understand that, but that’s how it is, so leave her alone. Just because his wife wears sweats at home and dresses nicely when she goes to work or out doesn’t mean she’s having an affair. Let your wife dress up and look good when she walks out on her, don’t steal her femininity from her.

3. Spending too much time in the gym

Why does she spend so much time in the gym that you start to feel like she met another guy at the gym? Is he dating someone else? No, she didn’t meet another guy at the gym. She wants to get in shape for you. She spends more and more time in the gym because she notices the great results that she produces. Why don’t you go to the gym with her and let all the single men see you take it for her?

4. You asked him if he was cheating on you

You asked him if he was cheating on you and he said no. Is it hard for you to believe him? For what? Usually when we are suspicious or jealous it is because we do not trust ourselves. It’s weird how what we don’t like about ourselves, we’ll see in the person we marry. For your own well-being you need to trust your wife and stop finding reasons to distrust her.