With all that itching and scratching, eczema really is a painful and irritating skin condition. You may want to consider using Epsom salts in your next bath, especially with the redness and dryness that eczema creates, which is not very good for your eyes.

You will be wondering; Why use an Epsom salt bath instead of an ordinary salt bath? The answer is that Epsom salt is actually a different type of salt, but it is still salt. With all the different types of salt available, it’s hard to choose which ones will be really helpful in treating your eczema. What makes it more difficult is the fact that some products may contain ingredients that can make eczema worse.

Epsom salt is salt, but its composition is different from the normal salt that we all know. It basically consists of magnesium sulfate, while table salt, on the other hand, consists of sodium chloride. Magnesium is responsible for proper electrolyte function, enzymatic functions, and calcium absorption. As a treatment for eczema, Epsom salt reduces the pain and inflammation that accompany eczema.

The acquisition of magnesium in the body can be achieved with an Epsom salt bath. The magnesium in these salts is easily absorbed through the skin. In the treatment of eczema, these salts are becoming increasingly popular, as they help the skin to breathe and draw acidic waste through the pores of the skin. It is also therapeutic, helping to reduce stress and muscle pain.

There are many bath recipes online that use Epsom salts. Some of these recipes even include essential oils for additional aromatherapy. You should always remember that eczema is often attributed to dry skin, and that is what you should avoid.