If you own a small business and hope to expand it, you probably know that you can’t do it on your own. Running and growing a business is rarely, if ever, accomplished by one person. You have to have a good, motivated team of people working for you if you want to be successful. Why do you think all other companies claim that their employees are their most valuable assets?

The thing about good teams is that they don’t miraculously form on their own. Committed and motivated teams are a direct product of the employer’s effort to provide and establish encouraging working conditions for team members. Forming a good team is not an easy task. Often it seems that people just can’t get along or a destructive and competitive feeling takes over the workplace. Here are some tips on how you can make sure your team building process is successful.

Define roles in the workplace

It is crucial that each person in the workplace is aware of their role within the organization. As a business owner, it is your duty to ensure that this is the case. There are several ways that you can accomplish this. First, be sure to provide all of your employees with a detailed and up-to-date job description. Also, be sure to distribute organizational charts and hold regular staff meetings to discuss role ambiguities.

Establish communication channels

Communication is vital for any group of people working together. If the communication process fails, the equipment will also fail. You must establish adequate, open and effective means of communication in the workplace. These channels must achieve two main objectives; Your employees must be able to communicate freely and openly with you and with each other. The latest advances in communication technology, such as email, voice mail, and instant messaging, make this much easier. However, you may want to maintain an open door policy so that your employees feel comfortable enough to approach you with any problems they may have.

Conflict resolution procedures

Even the best of teams will experience conflict at one time or another. Instead of focusing on avoiding conflicts in the workplace, you should focus on establishing structured ways to resolve them. Your employees should have a way to express their opinions without offending anyone. Face-to-face confrontations should be allowed in a moderate setting. You needed to take a hands-on approach to solving these problems and might even need to sit down with the conflicting parties to resolve their differences. Never take sides and always make sure you are objective. Ultimately, you should use any conflicts that arise as an opportunity to uncover any underlying issues that may exist within the team as a whole.

a positive attitude

On a closing note, remember that a good leader should always set a good example for his team members. How can you expect your team to be motivated, optimistic and committed if you are not? Your team looks to you for guidance and direction, and any negativity or cynicism on your part will be felt directly. So keep a positive attitude at all times, even if it takes a bit of effort.

More strategies for building championship teams are covered in our million-dollar business manuscript, which is available on our website. Request your FREE copy NOW at http://www.TheBusinessCommandos.com

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