In a previous article, I stated that confidence is the biggest source of attraction for women. I received numerous emails in the following weeks asking me to detail what other factors make up the attraction of the matrix. To fully illustrate this hierarchy, I will explain each feature with an example.

Here it goes…

  • Appearance is more important than money. An attractive and handsome poor man, all other things being equal, will attract more women than an ugly rich man.
  • Status is more important than appearance. An ugly DJ who is the resident DJ of a major club, all else being equal, will attract more women than an attractive man who doesn’t have that kind of visible position.
  • Power is more important than status. A (non-celebrity) dj with a record deal, all else being equal, will attract more women than a dj who is simply a resident dj at a local nightclub.
  • Personality is more important than power. A dj with a good and fun personality residing in a local nightclub will, all other things being equal, attract more women than a boring and characterless (non-celebrity) dj with a major label.
  • Confidence is more important than personality. A confident, aggressive man with a good personality, all things being equal, will attract more women than a funny, humorous man with little confidence; those guys are called clowns.

Important note: there is an X factor in all of this that surpasses all the previous characteristics: FAME. An artist, musician, athlete, politician, world leader or whoever is famous will be instantly attractive to many women without having to make a single iota of effort. They can be bland, boring, meek, ugly, and have low self-esteem, but they can still date tons of women. Fame is truly the greatest aphrodisiac, but so few people have it that it’s not worth examining. Thus, for 99.9% of the male population, confidence is the most attractive feature for women.

Summary: Confidence beats personality beats power beats status beats looks beats money.

Conclusion? Guys focus on building their confidence and personality and less on making money solely as a way to attract women. Rich guys who invest money in women have a lot of attractive women in their company, but those women almost always use them just for their money and don’t feel any attraction to them. Don’t focus your energy on buying a woman’s fake affection, become the kind of man women fall in love with just because of who they are.