The best most desirable diet for superior health should be made up primarily of three basic whole food groups. These foods are adaptable for everyone and will provide adequate amounts of all the nutrients necessary for the maintenance of optimal health, including high-quality protein in sufficient quantities. It’s important to eat healthy and create your daily menu from foods from these three key food groups that are indigenous to your area and grown locally (on organic farms whenever possible). Make sure your diet is made up of a variety of fresh whole foods from these three food groups.

# 1. Grains, vegetables, beans, seeds, and nuts – This is the most important and powerful food group for everyone’s health. The good nutrition of these foods is unsurpassed because they contain the secret of life itself: the germ! The germ is the reproductive power and spark of life in all seeds, and is essential for life, health, and reproductive capacity. This food group contains all the essential nutrients for human growth and health maintenance. Although all grains and seeds are beneficial, it is best to predominantly eat those that your ancestors ate and those that are grown locally.

Contrary to what you may have heard, buckwheat, almonds, sesame seeds, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, and peanuts contain complete proteins, which are comparable in biological quality value to animal proteins. This food group is also the best natural source of essential unsaturated fatty acids, which are necessary for maintaining health. The vitamin content (especially vitamin E and B complex vitamins) in this food group is second to none. Grains, nuts and seeds are also a treasure chest of minerals and trace elements. Minerals also help balance body chemistry, especially when it comes to alkalinity and acidity. This group also contains pacifarins, which increase the body’s natural resistance to physical ailments. And finally, whole grains, legumes, beans and seeds provide the body with the necessary fiber and forage content. This is essential to avoid all types of intestinal and colon problems that currently affect our nation as a result of refined and processed foods.

The best cereals to eat are buckwheat, oats, millet, and brown rice. Most other grains are beneficial, but be careful with wheat because it is one of the most common allergens today. These cereals can be consumed daily in the form of cereals, baby food, breads, pancakes, soups, etc. or sprouted. Cooking the grains or sprouting them actually helps release vital minerals by breaking the mineral-phytin bond so the minerals can be assimilated in the intestinal tract. The best seeds are flax seeds, chia seeds, sesame seeds, and pumpkin seeds. Be careful with sunflower seeds because they are extremely vulnerable to rancidity. The best nuts are almonds and hazelnuts. DO NOT buy roasted nuts and seeds because high heat makes them carcinogenic. Always and only eat fresh, raw nuts and seeds, including raw almond butter and raw peanut butter.

# 2. Vegetables – This is the next most important food group to incorporate into your daily diet. Vegetables are a rich source of minerals, vitamins, and enzymes. Most leafy greens also contain the highest quality complete protein. Some vegetables, such as green beans, squash, yams, and potatoes, need to be steamed or baked. However, most vegetables should be eaten RAW as a daily salad. Some exceptions would be spinach and Swiss chard, which contain too much toxic oxalic acid, and asparagus. Vegetables in the cabbage family should be cooked or prepared in a form fermented with lactic acid. Garlic and onion are powerful health-promoting vegetables and should be a part of your diet. Other excellent vegetables are Jerusalem artichokes, horseradish, black radish, celery root, and parsley. Make sure to include root vegetables in your diet as well, such as carrots, potatoes, beets, turnips, parsnips, and yams. Potatoes are extremely nutritious and are best baked or steamed. Keep in mind that potatoes should be stored in dark places because a highly toxic chemical, solanine, develops when exposed to light. Also, be sure to remove the “eyes” (sprouts) from the potato before cooking.

# 3. Fruits – Fruits are a powerful source of vitamins, minerals and trace elements, as well as easily digestible fruit sugars. In addition, they are an excellent cleansing food for breakfast, and can be consumed between meals, but not with meals. It is best to eat RAW, fresh and seasonal fruits, because they lose their vitamin content quickly. It is also beneficial to eat sun-dried fruits, but they should not be sulfurized and preferably organically grown. Avoid all dried fruits with sulfur preservatives. The best sun-dried fruits to eat are raisins, figs, apricots, and gooseberries. Now, two caveats about eating fruit: eat fruit in moderation and eat fruit on an empty stomach, on its own. Eating too much fruit will put too much sugar in your bloodstream, and eating fruit with other foods will cause it to rot in your system and cause poor digestion.

Daily quote: “There is a lot of truth in the saying that man becomes what he eats. Healthy food = healthy body. Unhealthy food = unhealthy body.” – Gandhi