The annual vacation can be a very stressful time for your cat. This is the time of year when that weird tree climbs, shiny trinkets are strung up (but all your cat hears is “No, no, bad kitty!” when she tries to explore them), delicious food is prepared (cats don’t need to apply to eat it!), and many strange people enter the house.

Some cats are in their glory, being in the middle of the tree decorating tradition, while others react to differences in the home by cowering in fear. Plus, if the holidays are stressing you out (raise your hand if it’s not, the rest of us would like to know your secret), we’ll let Kitty know and she may react the same way. And sometimes that fear and stress shows up when your cat urinates outside of his litter box.

Here are three steps you can take to reduce vacation stress for your cat.

First, keep changes to the home to a minimum. Think about where you could put the Christmas tree. If you put the tree in a place that normally belongs to Kitty, she might get really mad at you. Her reaction could range from hiding for days to urinating under the tree, if not trying to cut it down. Find a place that is pleasing to both the human and animal populations in your home. If that’s not possible, and knowing how cats can be, you’ll have to settle for pleasing one or the other. My bet is he’s the one paying the bills.

My cat Scout thinks the Christmas tree is a new location for the litter box. He will urinate on the tree cover. It’s a pleasure to clean! I have to keep a plastic liner under the tree for easy cleaning. I make sure to keep all the litter boxes clean, but she feels the need to express herself creatively this time of year. It is her way of contributing to the tradition of decorating trees.

Next, if you have a skittish kitty, lock him in a safe room when hosting holiday events at your home. If possible, confine your kitty in a place where guests won’t trip over it. Put his food, water, and a clean litter box in the room. He stops by from time to time to reassure her that all is well. If there are no suitable hiding places in his room, consider putting a box or large paper bag for him and encourage him to hide in it.

Finally, buy some natural flower essence compounds to put in your food or water during the holiday season. There are several good remedies that are recommended for situational stress. Add a few drops to your cat’s food or water twice a day and you’ll see results within 24 hours. Flower essences are also safe for human consumption, so if you’re thinking of going crazy, take a few drops yourself!

You can also buy synthetic hormones that come packaged in a bottle that plugs into any electrical outlet in your home. This remedy lasts about a month.

Good luck and happy holidays to you and your family, humans and animals!