Granite and other heavy stone or surfaces will crack and warp if not protected.

You may think that a surface like granite is strong and doesn’t need protection against cracking or warping, but you’ll find that if it’s not properly protected, you’ll need a very expensive repair or replacement of your granite.

Granite is the choice for countertops, shelving, bathroom sink tops and more in interior and exterior use today. It is a beautiful natural stone and can provide long lasting enjoyment and appreciation.

If you are installing granite that has an overhang in your kitchen, bathroom, or exterior counter, you will need, or your granite installer will need, to evaluate or determine if the overhang needs support underneath to protect your granite from buckling cracks.

Granite can crack or warp from the sheer weight of protruding granite. Cracking or sagging can also occur through weight applied to the surface. For example, if you have a granite bar overhang and people are sitting on the bar and leaning on it with their elbows; is causing stress on the granite surface. Some people think that the granite can support their weight and will sit on the granite overhang. Children love to hang on things and swing, like countertops. These are things that can present a problem for your granite or other heavy counter surfaces.

Yes, granite is strong, hard and beautiful and will bring lasting beauty and enjoyment, but at the same time when suspended beyond a supporting surface you will need a supporting brace in the form of angle brackets, braces or brackets. .

Determined by your granite installer, you’ll know if you need support and, if you do, what type of support or bracing is required for your particular situation.

There are several types of braces or brackets that will support a suspended surface. They are known as angle brackets or brackets. Angle support brackets or brackets come in various materials such as plastic, wood, thin metal, cast iron, and heavy duty wrought iron along with other materials.

With a heavy surface, you’ll want to get the best support available. You don’t want to settle for inferior material, like plastic, cast iron, or a thin metal. Wood is available for indoor use, but will deteriorate over time through the elements and weather in outdoor conditions. Heavy-duty wrought iron is a good choice for indoor use and is ideal for outdoor use as a support for countertops, pergolas, pergolas, or other bracing needs.

You will find that wrought iron angle brackets or iron corbels as some call them come in various sizes and styles that will actually accentuate your surface and enhance through your design flair.

It is important to determine the size and amount of corner support bracket needed for proper coverage and support. This is established through the depth of the surface and the length of the surface. It is best to set the depth of the bracket to within 2-3″ of the depth of the granite or counter surface. Number of brackets is determined by length and spacing between brackets. Bracket spacing 24″ – 30″ from spacing is a general rule. Again, your installer or professional can make this determination for you. Sometimes installers will put a sheet of plywood under the granite and sometimes they won’t. This can also influence the size and the space in the brackets.

With all of this information in mind, you’ll find several great websites with excellent heavy-duty support products for home improvement and commercial use of granite or other heavy surfaces. Do a little research and buy the best quality, under counter granite, and you will enjoy your granite, carefree and worry free for years to come.