You wake up and realize you’re headed for a busy day, but what can you do to sneak in some sculpting moves to stay strong? Squeezing in a workout can be tough. Almost everyone is in a time crunch. In fact, I know many people who sit at their desk and eat during lunchtime to catch up on work. On top of that, you might have kids, a spouse, and a bunch of other daily bums after your job.

This lifestyle can be unhealthy for you, bad for your blood pressure and your personal fitness. Feeling depressed and lethargic as a side effect is common when few daily physical activities become a habit. If you have children, let me ask you this. You know that children follow what you do. Are you being a good role model for your children? Not finding time to exercise is also destroying your energy level.

What can you do to adjust to exercise? Well, you can make time for exercise by rearranging your schedule. Perhaps waking up an hour or 30 minutes earlier in the morning is an option. During your lunch hour, you can also take a brisk walk or climb the stairs in your office building, a great way to get your heart rate up and get some blood circulating. But I have some better ideas for you. Here are some specific exercises I use to get you in shape, fast!

Let’s start first thing in the morning. You can do hip raises while you’re still in bed. Lie on your back with your knees bent and your feet shoulder-width apart. Now raise your bottom until your legs and torso form a straight line and squeeze your buttocks as you work your way up and down for 3 sets of 12-15 reps.

This next movement, you can do it while you shower. I call this move “The Genius” and you’ll know why in a second. You can start to flatten your tummy and tighten your waist as you rinse the soap off your body. First, I want you to place your feet hip-width apart and grasp your elbows. Think of this pose as in “I Dream of Genie.” Take a deep breath and hold for 2 seconds and release. Exhale and twist to the left keeping your lower half stable. Now, I want you to hold that for 3 counts, then turn to the right and then breathe in and then breathe out and repeat. Repeat this 5-7 times on each side. This is also a great move to de-stress.

“Time and health are two precious goods that we do not recognize or appreciate until they have been exhausted.”
-Dennis Waitley

Here’s a move you can do while you’re in the office. How about a little Pilates? Here’s something you can do to tone that butt, thigh, and abs. First, I want you to sit on the edge of your office chair, tummy tucked in, feet hip-width apart. Stand up slowly raising your arms in front of you like a zombie. Stand up, raise your arms in front of you, then start to sit up and just as your buttocks just touch the seat, rise back up and repeat. Do 10-12 repetitions of 3 series.

As you can see, whether you fit these moves in between your morning shower or your day trying to maintain a social life, these strategies are a great way to exercise in real time and get results.