A psychic refers to someone capable of receiving information through extrasensory perception. Psychic ability is often referred to as our “sixth sense.”

Medium is a psychic who can communicate with spirits in other dimensions. Every medium is a psychic, but not all psychics are mediums.

If you are looking for guidance or a psychic opinion on something going on in your life, you probably want to talk to a psychic. If you are looking for information on a loved one who has crossed over or any signs that spirits exist, you would benefit from speaking with a medium. here are the senses
used by psychics and mediums:

Clairvoyance (See) is French with clair meaning “clear” and clairvoyance meaning “vision” is used to refer to the ability to gain information about an object, person, location, or physical event through means other than the known human senses . This is someone you see in your mind’s eye. It can be like when you remember something that happened yesterday.

Clairsentience (feeling) is a form of extrasensory perception in which a person acquires psychic knowledge primarily through emphatic feelings and emotions. You can feel what is happening.

Clairaudience (hearing) is essentially the ability to hear in a paranormal way. Clairaudience may not only refer to the actual perception of sound, but may indicate impressions from the “inner mental ear” similar to the way many people think of words without having auditory impressions. This can be like remembering a song, you can hear the words in your mind.

Clairvoyance (knowing) is a form of extrasensory perception in which a person acquires psychic knowledge primarily by means of acquired knowledge. It is the ability to know something without a physical explanation why you know it, you just know it.

Clairtangence (Clear Touching) to manipulate an object or touch an area and perceive through your hands and gain psychic knowledge about the item, its owner, or its history. Also known as Psychometry.

Clairgustance (Clear Tasting) extrasensory perception that supposedly allows you to taste a substance without putting anything in your mouth. Those who possess this ability are able to gain psychic knowledge through taste.

Clairscent (Clear Smelling) where a person acquires psychic knowledge primarily through smell.

All psychics and mediums use some or all of the senses described here to gain psychic knowledge. We are all different and will generally be better in some areas than others.

Everyone is born with their own “sixth sense”, however some people have a much greater ability than others. It’s like being an athlete; Most of us are born with the ability to participate in sports. With training we can become really good at the sport we enjoy. However, some people are born with the natural ability to play professionally if they so choose. Some people are born with the natural ability to become professional psychics or mediums.

Using one or two of these senses versus using all of them does not determine one’s ability. In other words, you can have a person who uses only one or two senses having a much stronger ability than someone who uses four. If you are experiencing some of his own psychic knowing, you can work on fine-tuning it further if you understand how you acquired it. This may take some practice, so look at it like baseball. It takes practice and can be frustrating at times, but there’s nothing like the feeling you get when your hard work pays off and you hit a home run!