Many believe that there is a lot of money to be made in the control, restriction and regulation of information. Some have said; He who controls the information controls the world. In fact, both can be correct. We have all heard the saying; He who controls the media controls the minds of the people. That’s true enough for sure.

Can someone get rich by controlling the flow of information? Perhaps they can and many have already done so. There are many techniques for this, however limiting the flow of information also limits growth, even being first to market in a specific subsector. Therefore, those who have created information portals and websites that restrict information of some kind have much to gain from it.

Of course, the information must be superior in perceived quality, otherwise the source of information will be passed on to others with a quantity-balanced approach to quality. I say perceived because I don’t think wearing a tie and suit in a photo, sporting a Ph.D., or even writing a book makes someone an expert.

In the future there will be counterfeiters and real information brokers who will make a lot of money in the virtual space. If these information entrepreneurs restrict the flow; like an afterburner, they can see their profits skyrocket in the future. But if they restrict the flow too much, the pressure will find another outlet, the pipe will burst, and the information will find another way. That’s how flows work in nature and that’s how information works too. So consider all this in 2006.