Most people have probably heard of the dangers of aspartame, and many people are wisely trying to avoid it. The problem now is that a large number of Americans have imposed on them the idea that the no-calorie sweetener sucralose (Splenda) is harmless. But, according to a growing body of evidence, it is not. And that’s why if you use this product, you probably also need to use a quality body cleansing program.

Sucralose (the generic term for the brand name Splenda) is basically chlorinated sugar. Proponents and promoters of sucralose always point to the fact that it is made from sugar to prove its safety. But there is more to the story than that.

Sucralose was accidentally discovered during attempts to create a new insecticide. So the reassuring claim that it’s made from sugar is more than a little misleading. This artificial / synthetic sweetener is made through a complex process that involves chlorination (and chlorine is considered a carcinogen) of sugar (sucrose), which alters its molecular structure. More concerning is the fact that sucralose received FDA approval after fairly short-term animal studies, with no long-term studies investigating effects in humans.

However, there are several adverse reactions and conditions that have been associated with the consumption of sucralose. It can reduce the amount of good bacteria in your intestines by 50%, it can increase your intestinal pH level, and it can contribute to body weight gains (the antithesis of what sucralose was being used in the first place). In addition to gastrointestinal problems, sucralose consumption has been associated with irritated skin, wheezing and coughing, anxiety, mood swings, and depression. The fact is, the jury is still out on just how harmful sucralose is and can be.

Approximately 600 times sweeter than sugar, sucralose’s claim to its calorie-free fame (although it does have some calories) is that it is not absorbed by the body and therefore cannot make you fat or cause any harm. That, however, is not always and strictly true because approximately 15% of ingested sucralose is absorbed by the body. So your body has to deal with this strange synthetic substance. So it might be a good idea to help your body a little with a well-designed body cleanse.

Hear what Dr. Jeremy Webster has to say about sucralose: “They take sugar, chlorinate it, process it, and come up with this synthetic, calorie-free sweetener. It’s synthetic. The human body doesn’t know what to do with it.” lies the main problem. Dr. Webster further explains that because this substance is a foreign chemical in your body, “it could be hard on the liver” and “hard on the kidneys.” And this means that if you’ve been ingesting sucralose, you need to rid your body of this potential toxin with a whole-body cleanse to remove the toxin.