What is a caged dog?

The use of large boxes is wire, metal or plastic palisade with a door in which a dog can be reserved for shelter, security or transport. Dog cages can protect the home and when moving to a new environment. Cages are sometimes a very controversial topic among dog lovers, and it’s understandable because, like most things, people get carried away.

For what purposes should we use dog cages?

Dog cages are normally used to train puppies to become accustomed to a specific area of ​​the house and to prevent them from damaging any other household materials such as furniture, cushions or broken dishes. We must use the cage for the training of our pets and their protection, however many people use it as a form of punishment, and that could lead to counterproductive results.

The downside of using dog cages as punishment:

If you want to punish your puppy, let him go to a separate area instead of sending him to his crate or kennel. Using the crate as punishment makes puppies feel very doubtful and also makes them feel isolated. You should not create the concept in puppies’ minds that cages are for punishment. This will make them difficult to handle and if a puppy doesn’t trust you, training them will be next to impossible.

Using cages as punishment makes puppies feel unsafe:

Cages are a very safe place to keep dogs. They regard it as a paradise where they can eat, can sleep easily, and can move or sit easily, however these boxes are not made to keep puppies inside all day.

Disadvantages of punishments:

Punishments have many disadvantages that affect dogs and their health. So, the following are the downsides of giving punishments to dogs:

Punishments weaken dogs:

  • Dogs feel insecure about punishment

  • The health of dogs can be affected by punishment

  • Punishment makes them feel isolated

  • Dogs get tough on punishments


The main purpose of the dog crate is to create a positive image for your dog. Dogs feel safe and calm inside their cages as long as you match the time they spend in the cage with affection. To make sure your dog is happy inside the crate, give him time to adjust and change his schedule to give him plenty of time for outdoor activities. According to the explanation above, simply put, dogs should be kept in cages for the following purposes:

  • For dog training

  • To watch over your pets

  • For your protection from any harm.

Therefore, you must follow all of these instructions so that your dog feels safe and secure.