Your grandmother was right about castor oil.

Back “in the day” (a long time ago!) parents would give their children a teaspoon of castor oil to drink. He was supposed to…now what was he supposed to do?

No matter. Today, parents give their children castor oil, but in the form of shampoo and conditioner. And what is he supposed to do? It kills DEAD lice, of course.

Some people use this remedy; in fact, very few people. It’s pretty easy.

Coat your hair with castor oil. Then put a disposable shower cap on your head. You will want to leave it overnight. In the morning, shampoo your hair even before you wet it.

That’s how it is. Then wash off the oil. It will probably need at least two washes. Not only will you find that the castor oil is gone, but so are the lice (hooray!).

But you’re not done yet. Accompany this treatment with a good and detailed hairstyle of your hair. When doing this, make sure there are no nits hanging out.

And by the way, castor oil supposedly makes your hair look great! What an added benefit!

Why not try… Meat Tenderizer?

Simply make a paste with the meat tenderizer. Apply it to your hair. Let it act for several minutes. (Yes, that’s all it takes.) This effectively removes the eggs from the hair shaft.

In fact, meat tenderizer contains several enzymes that actually eat away at the cement that sticks eggs to hair.