It is very likely that you or someone you know will experience the wrenching pain of dealing with infidelity in the next 90 days. I do not wish it on anyone, but unfortunately it is the new reality in which we live. Some of the traps will be emotionally charged affairs. There will be others who are faced with a long distance issue over the Internet. Many will have to struggle to find out why the person who says he still loves them broke her promise and became physically engaged to someone else.

Obviously, there are many types of cheating relationships and some hurt more than others. However, regardless of the type of cheat, there are always unanswered questions. One of the most frequently asked questions is “why?” Why would anyone cheat and risk their family, reputation, job, and financial security for an affair or, in some cases, a few minutes of pleasure? Listed below are some reasons why cheaters risk it all.

3 Reasons Cheaters Risk It All For 30 Minutes Of Pleasure

One of the reasons cheaters throw caution to the wind and cheat is because they really don’t care if they get caught. Sure they try to hide their selfish behavior, but think about it for a minute. Do you really think a cheater cares if they get caught? I do not think. It’s not like a 5 year old would sneak an extra cookie out of the cookie jar. We are talking about an adult who is able to understand right from wrong. I guarantee that every cheater asks himself the following questions.

  1. Will my partner find out about the affair?
  2. What will my spouse do if he finds out?
  3. How will my family and friends react to the matter?
  4. Could my boss or co-workers have less respect for me if they find out I’m cheating?
  5. Will my children no longer love me if I cheat on their mom or dad?

Unless the cheater is intoxicated or smoking cannabis, it’s impossible not to think about those questions. However, despite thinking about such things, a cheater goes ahead and has an affair. The real question is why does a cheater not care if they get caught?

Another reason a cheater will lose perspective and cheat is because a cheater sometimes has an entitlement mindset. It’s about them getting what they feel they deserve. Cheaters with this mindset sometimes convince themselves of two things. One is that everyone will be fine or happy after the adventure. The other thing is that a trap will make them better partners. Both reasons are simply wishful thinking.

The third and final reason a cheater is willing to risk it all is because they never intended to be in a monogamous relationship. The appearance of being with an important person is attractive and serves as a cover for an alter ego personality. This attracts less scrutiny and attention from family and friends. Unfortunately, he goes back to being uninterested. It’s like using someone for personal gain. It is wrong in business, in relationships and in life in general.

There are many more reasons why cheaters cheat. All of them are inexcusable and devastating for couples and families. Cheating is no different than being addicted to a drug. It has the potential to ruin lives.

So is there anything you can do to stop the cheating?

One thing you can do is make it harder for your partner to cheat on you. You may not be able to stop it, but you don’t have to make it easy for infidelity to creep into your relationship.

If you haven’t had to deal with infidelity in your relationship consider yourself hurt. If you have dealt with an infidelity you know how difficult it is to live it. You simply cannot prepare for such pain and suffering. However, I hope that as time goes by you will be able to help others through their dark days and nights.