You wake up. Do you feel tired. you don’t know why…

You get out of bed. The mind is cloudy. You feel lost.

You trudge to the bathroom and step on the scale. You had a great bonanza over the weekend and now you are starting to feel its effects.

You step on those magical scales, hoping it will be a friend to your favor.

You look down. It turns out that the friend becomes the enemy.

You look at the number and almost start to cry. This can not be happening. No again.

You are upset. Not worse.


You keep losing this battle and you want this battle to stop.

You ask yourself: ‘What does it take to finally shed those pesky kilos? What should I do?’

To be fair, it’s a good question. One that not everyone asks!

With that being said, you can still do it the hard way.

This is where you are sure where you are going. You dabble here and there. Try a little diet here, a little exercise there…

(you got the idea)

The only thing with this approach?

Not sustainable. Not by any stretch.

Sooner or later, you will have to face the reality of the situation.

And if you’re not careful, that reality can hurt. And bite hard.

Believe it or not, there is an easier way.

(I say an easier way. It’s not easy by any means, but it’s a lot easier than what you’ve been doing)

This implies a vision. great determination.

This implies something, which not everyone has.

To the routine!

What if I also told you (again, believe it or not), that there wasn’t just an easier way…

Goal on 5!

would you believe me

Well here goes…

First things first, you must design your own weight loss program.

Diet, Part 1 (let’s start with the obvious first)

Make some changes to your diet.

Get rid of your bad eating habits like eating fast food, snacking, drinking soda and overeating. Introduce changes slowly so you have time to get used to your new diet.

Sticking to your new diet will be easier if you plan your meals ahead of time and go grocery shopping regularly.

If you always have some healthy food at home, you’ll be less tempted to go to your favorite fast food restaurant.