This article will help and describe the connection and example about yeast infection and flu, particularly when you are following the candida diet. So you are on a candida diet but you have problems with your body, in this case the flu. Here’s a good case my friend, Lucy, has.

She has come down with the flu, complete with diarrhea, and the normal things I would treat her with have sugars of some sort. Pepto Bismol has mannitol, Pedialyte (for dehydration) has dextrose and fructose.

Eating a clear liquid diet usually means things like apple juice and jam. A runny diet has bananas, apples, white rice, toast, all of which are not appropriate for a candida diet.

He has trouble getting dehydrated and having his blood pressure drop too low, and he also develops heart problems when his electrolytes run out, so in the past he always used Pedialyte for yeast treatment.

She doesn’t want to end up in the hospital for this, which has happened to her in the past, if she could help it. But neither does she want to lose all the ground she has fought so hard to get rid of. So how would you treat the condition of yeast infection and flu how that?

In my own experience, when I feel like I’m getting the flu, I take Echinacea, stay on my rotations, acidolpholis. Of course, for this I have to be relaxed and not burden myself with heavy work.