If you are rebuilding your vehicle or restoring an old one as new, you might consider using the GM 700R4 transmission. There are many benefits to using this model. Many of the benefits include performance, overdrive, gas mileage, and increased value of your vehicle.

When you use a 700R4 transmission, you will find that it has full power. This unit is a monster and can be built to handle up to 650 horsepower. This high performance overdrive is top of the line and a great option for your rebuilt vehicle.

Rebuilding a car is a lot of fun. When you can use an affordable upgrade like the 700R4 transmission, you’ll also see that it has a low 3.06 ratio in first gear. This is more than 20% lower than other Chevrolet models you will find.

The 700R4’s overdrive will give you a nearly 40% improvement in gas mileage over a 3-speed automatic. For this reason, the 700R4 is the best option for anyone who wants to do an overdrive conversion for muscle car restorations because they can add the overdrive option. This model has a 30% overdrive. Better gas mileage is a big deal when it comes to vehicle restorations. You want to get the most for your money, especially with today’s sporadic gas prices.

Restoring your vehicle using the GM 700R4 transmission is the best option because you will find that the value of your car increases significantly. This is because it is the best option today for restoring old muscle cars, trucks, or just converting an old 2-3 speed vehicle. You may not even be thinking of selling your car and just want new equipment. This is the best solution to increase performance and it will perform like a brand new vehicle.

The best modification you can use to restore a vehicle or upgrade an old car or truck is the powertrain. This part will save you money on gas, have more power, and you can even add the converter lockout option. With a 3.06 ratio in first gear, no other model can compare. This unit performs second to none when it comes to total performance. In addition, you will find that your vehicle is worth more money than before with this type of upgrade.