There is absolutely no doubt about it. Gout is one of the most painful diseases you can have. This is a disease that I suffer from from time to time and when I have it I am truly in agony. Gout is known as the “rich man’s disease”, but now, in the modern era, we know that it is not. Gout can be attributed to many things and the main culprits are those shown at the end of this article. I decide to do some research on this issue, therefore I have added some foods below that you should use and others that you should avoid. Seriously, I’d give these a shot. I have it and it helped me a lot.

5 recommended foods

1, Water – Water is an absolute must because it helps to flush your body out of excess uric acid (the acid that causes gout) and also helps keep your kidneys cool so they continue to function as they should. Your kidneys are a filter to drain uric acid.

2. Cherries – Cherries have now been shown to actually contain a chemical that is a great source for fighting gout. Cherry juice is a great provider of the necessary nutrients to combat the appearance of gout. In fact, my dad tried cherryade when he had gout and, silly as it may sound, it actually worked. However, I would not recommend it due to the sugary content present in carbonated drinks. Sugar can also contribute to gout

3. Pineapple: this food is another great source to fight gout, as it contains the same properties and nutrients as cherries.

4. Potatoes: potatoes are an excellent food to combat gout. They should be boiled preferably, but they are well mashed (just another way to boil really), but try to stay away from the fries, as with these, the frying process means that you actually lose some of the nutrients in the process of frying. cooking. to boiled or jacket.

5, essential fatty acids. Tuna, Salmon, etc. are another great way to relieve your gout

Foods to avoid.

Below is a list of foods to avoid. This food list is not exhaustive and you should always be careful what you buy. You can’t go around looking for foods low in purine (the chemical that leads to uric acid) which is impractical, so use your own common sense here. However, based on my research, these are the foods that I recommend that you avoid.

Alcohol – It goes without saying !!! one of the worst culprits, especially beer and lager, bitter (for those in the UK) red and white wine

Sardines – high purine content

Sauces – Sauces, rich and creamy sauces.

Organ offals / products – Kidneys, Liver. Heart

As I have mentioned, you have to find out what is best for you, since each person is different. Please don’t discount the foods I recommend. You can find out what is best for you.