Many people turn to surgery as a viable option to help them achieve weight loss, but it is not something to be taken lightly. Making the decision to have surgery is a huge one and never without risk, get as much information and advice as possible before going ahead. Weight loss surgery should only be viewed as a last resort. One of the most popular procedures available today is the tummy tuck, but what exactly is it?

What is a tummy tuck?

A tummy tuck is the name given to a medical procedure called an abdominoplasty. If done on its own, it will not produce or lead to significant weight loss. It is an operation that is often performed on someone who has experienced extensive weight loss and is left with loose excess skin around the stomach area. Another aspect of the procedure is that the stomach muscles around the abdominal wall are tightened and repaired. A tummy tuck can be combined with liposuction to remove larger amounts of fat.

Is a tummy tuck right for me?

A tummy tuck operation is normally classified as a cosmetic procedure, in other words, it is performed for the sake of appearance (vanity reasons) and not for health reasons. This is why the procedure is normally not available on the NHS or covered by health insurance. The stomach muscles can collapse as a result of childbirth, and this can cause the skin around the abdomen to become unsightly. Once the stomach muscles have collapsed, there will be a space between them in the middle of the stomach, and no amount of exercise or diet will tighten them or remove loose skin. It all comes down to how unhappy the loose skin and appearance of your lower abdomen makes you feel.

The psychological effects of surgery

Just because a tummy tuck is classified as a vanity procedure doesn’t mean it’s wrong for you. If a person intensely dislikes the way they look, it can affect their happiness, confidence, and overall mental well-being. Deciding to go ahead with surgery is a very personal decision and you need to weigh all the pros and cons. All operations carry risk and a tummy tuck will leave you with a permanent scar, you must decide if the end justifies the means.

No surgical procedure should be used as a quick fix or viewed as a substitute for a well-balanced diet and regular exercise. Talk to your doctor and think carefully before deciding if a tummy tuck is right for you.