A study linking video gaming to enhanced laparoscopic surgery is the tip of the iceberg on the hot topic of the positive effects of video gaming.

According to Mitchell Wade, co-author of The Kids are Alright: How the Gamer Generation is Changing the Workplace, “When you see studies showing surgeons or pilots improve their real-world skills by using computer-based simulations, also known as Like games, you see the line between what’s real and what’s not real is blurred.” Wade did extensive research on the effects of video games and their uses in the real world.

Voluntary learning environment

Video games are a great place for children to engage in global interaction on a voluntary basis. With the fun that games bring, children are not even aware that games really help build team spirit, cooperation and encourage risk taking in a risk free environment. They quickly earn rewards in the form of virtual prizes when they complete a certain task and discover through repeated trial and error that it’s okay to make mistakes.

Wade found that the lessons learned become more important than the images shown. The gender profiling in the videos and even the violence and sex in the graphics are less powerful than the lessons about teamwork, success, and failure. Mitchell’s study also revealed that four-fifths of young adults played video games growing up. He says, “Part of growing up is ‘normalizing’ your peer group, and those who haven’t played video games find it harder to bond because they lack common experiences.”

investigative learning

John Black, a professor at Columbia University’s Teacher’s College, said he has seen children grow in learning when they can manipulate variables or events. An example of this is Civilization, where players can change historical facts and see how it would have impacted the world. These types of games stimulate students’ interest in history. Changes, such as the Spanish not introducing horses to the Native Americans, can have many consequences no matter how simple that event in the story is.

Games provide experiential learning rather than lecture. Games allow players to explore options and discover certain outcomes. They know the facts and learn as they investigate more possibilities.

Uses in the real world

Today, Ganes continues to change and mimic reality more, and is being used to enhance real abilities. The new wave of Wii games involve physical bodies in what are called “augmented reality games.” Wii sells better, even with cartoonish graphics, than games from other companies that use next-generation graphics.

Computer simulated roller coaster rides in video arcades allow players to experience and overcome their fears without riding an actual roller coaster. They can program simple loops or dangerous thrills and rolls.

The military has also optimized games like Flight Simulator to help with eye-hand coordination in pilot training. The CIA and Army provide games to staff to train agents and prepare soldiers for real war gaming experiences.

Doctors working with young pain patients encourage video playback because it helps block pain without medication. When children engage in something stimulating, it takes their mind off pain.

How much game time is enough?

A laparoscopic surgery study showed improvement with just three hours of gaming per week, anything beyond that can cause problems. In Korea, due to sitting in the same position for many hours, some players developed deep vein thrombosis that led to clots in their legs. Children need physical activity.

Wade discovered that games happen in waves. Children can spend hours shooting baskets to improve a skill and then lose interest once they master it. Children can also spend hours to gain computer proficiency and then move on to another activity.

Interact with your sons and daughters to find out what interests them in a game, what lessons they learn and monitor the time they spend playing. Play some games with your kids and promote breaks that get your kids physically moving and interacting in real environments.