Late-stage or chronic Lyme disease tends to affect people who have great things to offer the world. These people may already appear to be “on their way” and often excel in multiple areas at once, including the healing arts. The disease seems to appear in people who could go even deeper into their healing and creative gifts but who for one reason or another feel locked into their current lifestyle. Perhaps they have unspoken creative gifts such as photography, painting, or writing. Perhaps they have been waiting for life to “loosen up” before indulging in those longings. But the creative activities themselves offer healing, not just for the people of Lyme, but for the world in a larger way.

At the soul level, Chronic Lyme appears as a roto-rooter, forcing people to dig deep and remove ALL blocks to creativity and healing. To the outside world, these people usually appear to have no blocks because they are moving so effectively through life, but Life has other plans. It is as if these souls came with a bigger mission than their current lifestyle or worldview allows. They can be jostled several times, but if they don’t fully respond, then some tiny spirochetes show up to terrorize the immune and neurological systems into action. Like a guerrilla army, the bacteria sneak inside undetected and then launch a massive attack that grabs attention through amazement and amazement.

Patterns of Lyme patients include: brighter than average in both intelligence and spirit, healing gifts that need even more expression than is currently allowed, highly creative, and generally very energetic before fatigue. lyme. Things that do NOT seem related: diet, exercise level, and spiritual awareness. People get Lyme disease while eating all kinds of diets: South Beach, SAD, vegan, 100% raw vegan, vegetarian…it just doesn’t seem to matter in terms of who gets the disease. Great athletes get Lyme disease, as do couch potatoes who happen to come across a rogue tick. People who have followed yoga for 20 years get Lyme, as do people for whom Lyme marked their first foray into alternative spirituality.

The biggest common denominator seems to be that Lyme arrives when some anger has not been expressed and when self-love does not match the degree of love and blessings that these people pour out into the world. Anger can stem from anger at the way society treats the marginalized, or it can stem from early childhood abuse; it can relate to the seething resentment of a relationship or series of relationships; it can come from a feeling that life has passed unfairly to the person even though much has been sacrificed to serve others. The cause of the anger can vary, but the anger itself seems constant.

The second common denominator comes from the disparity between all the love emanating from these people and the degree to which they actually allow themselves to receive care and love without the feeling of earning or returning it. Lyme people tend to be a big giver with a lot of energy before they catch the spirochetes. Lyme comes as an opportunity, albeit a difficult one, to become one with all that love that flows through your words and actions. It becomes an opportunity to experience your own love the way others experience it… to realize that the universe supports and loves you and wants you to shine even brighter than you ever allowed yourself to imagine before.

As such, Lyme remains a very difficult disease to treat. Most of those affected are, in this life or certainly in previous ones, very advanced healers. This awareness (whether conscious or completely subconscious) makes them adept at avoiding treatments that would bring healing before the lessons take root. Intuitively, Lyme patients have a feeling that something needs to change, even though they may not realize how or how much things need to change. This is still true for most diseases. Lyme seems to operate at a faster and more aggressive level, outsmarting anyone who can offer relief before the soul receives its full blessing. Actively seeking that blessing speeds up healing. Once the disease has served its ultimate purpose, it can disappear, leaving the survivor stronger, wiser, and more compassionate to have made the journey.