We all want a long and happy life. Unfortunately, it is well documented that to help ensure that goal we have to exercise. For those who are just starting out, it can be a bit daunting trying to decide the best type of fitness equipment to accomplish that purpose.

Before you start on your path to great health, you need to decide what you want to achieve. This will determine what type of fitness equipment you need to invest your time and money in. Also, make sure you have a firm budget in mind. Gaining a clear sense of direction will eliminate wasting time on something that isn’t right for you.

Whether you are a man or a woman, the same rules apply. To get certain benefits, you will need to look for certain machines. For example, if you’re interested in running, you’ll want machines that build stamina and promote cardiovascular health. That includes elliptical machines, stair steppers, and treadmills.

Swimming is also a great way to help improve lung capacity and you don’t need a machine, just a pool or swim spa. Interval training with any of these machines will go a long way toward achieving your goals.

For those who want to lose weight, they have many options for fitness equipment. Basically anything that burns calories will do as you are now in a race to burn more fuel than you are consuming. Any number of things can accomplish this, including things that don’t even require machines, like swimming and walking. Of course, a corollary to increasing calories burned is to reduce the calories we eat.

If you’re looking to build strength and size, then you need to hit the weights. As you build muscle, you will burn fat for energy. Pound for pound, those muscles will also help you burn more calories.

A heavier weight for low reps will bulk you up, while many sets of lighter weights will tone and define your physique. Everything will depend on your body type, size, shape and what you want to lose or gain. You need to know your end goal to help you choose which fitness equipment will be the best to buy.

When you are just looking to build general health, there are different fitness equipment that will work well. From Pilates to aerobics to cross-country skis to leg press equipment, any exercise that simply gets you up and getting your heart rate up will benefit you. Remember, it’s not necessarily the amount of exercise while you’re doing something.