When your sex life needs to be recharged with new life, try some aphrodisiac foods and have fun with the experience. So, you are wondering what are these foods? Well, since the days of Montezuma one that has stood the test of time is chocolate. In fact, Montezuma was known to drink something like 50 cups of hot chocolate before facing his harem of around 600 women. And Napoleon Bonaparte surely had “a complex,” but he was serious about eating chocolate truffles as a sexual aid before a night of romance.

Whether or not there is scientific evidence to back up the many claims of aphrodisiac foods, the believers are out there. And aphrodisiac foods go beyond chocolate. Honey, saffron, asparagus, avocados, basil, grapes, and strawberries are on many people’s short list. It’s hard to believe that anyone would say that garlic or onions are aphrodisiac foods, but they occasionally make the list. The warning here is a warning of the serious bad breath that follows; it could kill the mood.

What about the oysters? First of all, eating raw oysters on the half shell with your partner can be an extremely hot and romantic experience, if you both like raw oysters. If you don’t like raw oysters, but do like cooked ones, enjoy them this way and benefit from the zinc they contain (oysters are loaded with zinc). For men, a zinc deficiency can lead to reduced testosterone levels which can cause low libido.

There are other foods that can help increase testosterone levels for both men and women. Some include mung bean sprouts and pumpkin seeds. Note: While women’s bodies contain about one-third the level of testosterone as men, women also require an adequate supply of this hormone for sexual desire.

Keep in mind that deficiencies in certain nutrients can pave the way for less than optimal functioning of hormone levels, organs, and energy.

One final note, many aphrodisiac foods find their direct connection to the sexual parts. Some of these are: oysters, bananas, and zucchini, and I’m sure you can create your own!