Many people are looking for answers to ‘How to conceive a baby boy?’ and ‘Is it possible to conceive a baby as desired?’. The safe answer to the second question is ‘yes’. You may be suspicious and reluctant to accept this answer from the start. Also, you may have found some suggestions you can try to increase your chance of having a baby successfully. Here are some helpful tips to increase your chances of conceiving a baby to more than 80% success. The hidden secret lies in the diet you eat, the time you choose to conceive, and the sexual positions you select with your spouse.

Choose specific diet to design:

According to recent studies, women who consume food of 2,000 calories or more per day without skipping breakfast have a better chance of conceiving a baby. Simply eating breakfast daily and increasing food calories cannot satisfy the need for this purpose. You will need fairly low PH or alkaline foods and skip acid foods. Also, you should eat foods like strawberries, bananas, figs, apricots, and anything else with higher natural salt and potassium content. Baked potato skins are also very good for you if you want to conceive a boy.

Choose the right time to design:

The date of ovulation must be taken into account to avoid conceiving a girl when aiming for a boy. It should be noted that male sperm cells cannot live longer due to their genetic nature. Since they are weaker than female sperm, you must be ready to conceive on the day of ovulation or the day after so these weak men are not left waiting for the egg to fertilize. If you go ahead a day or two, the chance of success in conceiving a baby is low. In this sense, you must confirm your ovulation date by means of a saliva test or a urine test.

Have proper sexual positions to conceive:

There are two types of sperm chromosomes called X (girl) and Y (boy). The former are stronger but move slowly, while the latter are weaker but move quickly. If you want to conceive a boy, the Y sperm must be helped to reach the egg first. If Y sperm are placed in the vagina closer to the eggs, they have a relatively better chance of performing their role of conceiving a boy than X sperm.

Many of you may not believe this concept about the fertilizing characteristics of sperm. In fact, the predictive gender of the baby is determined by how well the boy’s sperm reaches and fertilizes the egg first. Some sperm have a faster movement and others have a low speed flow on the way to the egg. This advantage and weakness of sperm determines the sex of the baby. Here you have the most known positions for your choice to conceive a child.

1. The best position is the rear entry in which the woman should lie on her stomach with her knees in a sitting position.

2. Alternatively, the woman will be sitting with her knees bent on the edge of the bed.

3. The woman will bend and hold her knees to allow for adequate penetration.

4.The woman will place her legs at the height of the man’s shoulders to ensure deep penetration.

5. The woman will bend like a bow placed on pillows for sharp and deep penetration.