Google AdSense is the most famous of all advertising networks on the Internet. This may be because Google itself is the king of the Internet and its services and products dominate the most. So how does AdSense work?

What is a niche?

Whatever your niche, AdSense automatically generates ads that fit your blog theme. For example, if you like music reviews, the ads on your blogs are usually music stores, music downloads, etc. What has been noticed in professional blogs is that they do not contain Google AdSense. This may be because these professional bloggers get direct advertising directly from advertisers, while Google, a third-party ad network, is the primary communicator for our advertisers on our blog. Well, if your blog is already high profile, well packed with relevant information and constantly updated, advertisers will attest that your blog is a serious business where they can advertise their products to their dedicated readers/visitors.

First rule of AdSense

Through word of mouth advice: Never click on your own ads. Google sees and Google knows. Ha ha ha. Seriously, being a super mega giant internet mogul, Google surely has ways to track the validity of its ad clicks. As a conclusion, they say that Google is the fastest, safest and most secure ad network out there. Sure, there are many of them, but Google AdSense tops the list. But as the golden rule of bloggers in general says (I made this one up). Find a niche and then advertise your niche. Blog seriously before advertising seriously.

So is it still great?

The downside of this famously lucrative company is that it automatically terminates your account whenever it detects invalid click activity. For example, some malicious visitors or your enemy will visit your site and just click on every ad, so good luck! No matter how much your profit, Google loses everything. So imagine if you already have $500 and then it quickly vanishes, well, another good luck!