Too many people start smoking at a very young age only to regret taking up the habit later in life. The standard thinking is that quitting smoking is one of the hardest things a person could do. Nicotine addiction is often blamed for this. Now, a quit smoking program called Quit Smoking Right Now claims that people can learn how to quit for life in less than three hours.

Not only that, the show claims that people can quit smoking without gaining weight or suffering from a single major craving And that too without using drugs, pills, patches or expensive herbal supplements.

I have to say that when I first heard these claims, I thought they sounded too good to be true. And you know the old saying “if it sounds too good to be true, it is”.

Still, I was intrigued and decided to get the show to see what it’s all about. This Quit Smoking Right Now review tells you what I found.

Quit Smoking Right Now came about when well-known Internet entrepreneur Rick Beneteau met with therapist Rick Saruna. Rick S’s college training was in business and psychology. He has been a continuing student of psychology and human potential, with certifications and training in a long list of personal development methods, including NLP, the Emotional Freedom Technique, Reiki, energy psychology, timeline therapy, the Silva Method, and many more.

I have to say I was impressed by your credentials.

Combining multiple aspects of all of these techniques, Rick developed a smoking cessation program that he claims has a 90% success rate. His main practice was a clinic in Windsor, Ontario, and Rick Beneteau met him there.

Rick B. was actually there for other reasons when he found out that Rick had a smoking cessation program. Rick B. had a 39-year history of smoking and had failed to quit several times. He was skeptical about the 90% success rate and said something about being in the 10%: an incurably weak-minded addict.

Rick S’s response was that this was not the case at all. The 10% he failed represented those who simply did not follow the program.

In a nutshell, Rick B. scheduled a three-hour one-on-one session with Rick S. In that session he learned enough to enable them to quit for good. Needless to say, he and his family were delighted (his eldest daughter is a registered nurse who had been urging him to quit for years).

Rick B.’s specialty was the Internet. He was well aware of his ability to bring information to thousands and indeed millions of people. He likened that to the few people Rick S. could help by working one-on-one at his clinic and insisted, almost demanded, that Rick develop a program that could be distributed online and give people the same experience as if they met online. with Rick. in his office.

It took almost 2 years, but the result is the Quit Smoking Right Now program.

In many ways, the program impacted me. It challenges much of what we think we know about smoking and why most people fail when they try to quit. However, if you keep an open mind (as they say on the show “the mind is like a parachute: it works best when it’s open”), you’ll find that their arguments make a lot of sense.

I won’t go into detail about how the program works in this short review for fear of creating misleading impressions. The bottom line is that this is an excellent program and I think it will work for anyone who follows it.

A disclaimer is that I didn’t use it myself to quit smoking – I’ve been smoke-free for many years and luckily didn’t need it.

However, I remember very well what I went through when I tried to quit smoking (several times) before finally succeeding. After going through this program and doing all the exercises, I realized that the reason I was finally successful was not because of the nicotine patch and the other things I was doing, but because I accidentally stumbled into some of the behaviors that teach this program. It was like a lightbulb went off: if I had had this program, it would have been so easier.

This program gives a bit of information and then shows how. There is no fluff. In fact, if I have one comment it is that I would have appreciated more detail on the psychology behind the various techniques they use. Perhaps this is because I consider myself somewhat of a student of human potential and am interested in that sort of thing.

By the way, even without much psychological background, you will be able to apply the techniques you learn in this course to other aspects of your life.

But for someone who just wants a program to help them get free of cigarettes quickly and easily without a lot of superfluous information. stop smoking right now keeps its promises.