Seasoned sellers on online auction sites like EBay will tell you that the most effective persuasion tool is a good image. Multiple images are even better. After all, buyers want to know what they’re spending their money on, it’s only natural. EBay, however, takes advantage of that fact to charge relatively high fees for storing your images online. Here’s a simple list to illustrate the point:

Additional photos: $0.15

Image Show: $0.25

Large Image: $0.75

Image Pack: $1.00

These fees will slowly eat away at your earnings, unless you store your images elsewhere. Free image hosting sites, such as [], will allow you to upload your images and link to them on EBay. For most sellers, the basic free service is more than enough and you can easily save over $1 per auction in image fees.

Take advantage of the service to post as many images as you can to your auctions. It will help you increase the number of bids received, making the sale more attractive. All the code you need is provided at the click of a button, just copy and paste into the EBay form.

Another benefit is that image hosting sites usually allow you to edit your images online (rotate, resize, etc.) so you don’t need any special photo editing software.

Best of all, perhaps, may be the online photo book options offered by many sites. You can take advantage of this feature to set up an image gallery to display all your articles on one page. It will provide a convenient way for customers to explore your offerings.

Whether you are a high volume seller or a newcomer to online auctions, take advantage of the service to reduce your selling expenses. Experiment with different techniques to learn what works best to increase sales.