You have just spent the last few weeks creating a completely new website and product. You took the time to build hundreds of pages, create tons of graphics, and tweak everything until you got it right. He even took the time to write additional exclusive content for social networking sites. but then you made a pretty big mistake.

You have bookmarked your home page. Ok bookmarking your home page is not the mistake but if you stop there then you are making a big mistake.

You see, search engines, particularly Google, rank “PAGES” not entire sites.

Sure we’ve all heard about Google’s PR problems and how they can get from one page to another, but the truth is that each page has its own rank. Some pages will be a zero, others will be a 2 or 4, or if you’re lucky, a 6 on the Google PR scale. But you’ve noticed that not all pages rank well.

This is because most people tend to bookmark or link only to their home page. Sure the Google bot can find your pages with a sitemap, but heck, I build sites for the reader, not the Google bot. The more pages you bookmark, the better each page will be, both for your reader and for Google. In turn, the more rank your pages and subpages get, the better your site will rank.

While taking the time to bookmark each page you offer can take some time, and software is available to make it simpler, it’s well worth the effort. Especially if you’ve already done all the hard stuff, like building the site to get started. Just take your time if you have to. Bookmark a page or two every day and make sure your friends do too.

More bookmarks means more exposure. You want to spread the love for links on every page of your sites. You never know when one of them might rank on the first page for some relatively obscure keyword phrase. If you don’t take the time to promote all of your pages, you’re missing out on a ton of additional potential traffic to your websites.