If you’re someone who has struggled to lose weight over the years (the dreaded yo-yo dieting merry-go-round), then you know that fad diets come and go. Most promise that you will lose a lot of weight quickly. One of the newer fad diets to hit the scene is called the Super Slim Diet. This diet claims that you will lose up to 10 pounds in just 10 days.

Who wouldn’t want to experience that?

The promise of quick and easy weight loss is what draws most people to seek this diet plan, but is the Suddenly Slim diet safe?

First, let’s talk about the products that are a main part of this plan. There are three products involved:

Reneu – an herbal supplement that cleanses and detoxifies the body

Body FX – A meal replacement shake powder that mixes with milk

Slim ‘N Up – an herbal supplement that reduces hunger and increases energy

The supplements contain herbs found in similar dietary formulas such as: Green Tea, Chromium Picolinate, Dandelion Root, Kola Note, Chitin, Garcinia Campogia, Hydroxycitric Acid, Cayenne Pepper, L-Carnitine, and many more. While it is a common notion that all herbal remedies are safe. In fact, this is a myth. Herbal ingredients can raise blood pressure, cause heart palpitations, nervousness, organ damage, etc.

You may or may not be sensitive to any of the herbs listed above. Another concern is that the amount of each herb in Suddenly Slim formulations is unknown. The manufacturers of these types of dietary supplements do not disclose their formulations, so you don’t know if you are getting too much or too little of an ingredient to conclude if you are going to have a good or bad reaction.

If this concerns you, you should do some research on the herbal ingredients in diet pills and their effects before you make the decision to put them in your body. These companies use the lure of quick weight loss to lure you in, but remember, there was a time when ephedra was a main ingredient in diet pills and shakes. Ephedra was once touted as “safe” and a miracle weight loss cure. That is, until people started ending up in the hospital after taking it.

Even though Slim suddenly doesn’t contain ephedra anymore (yes, it did at one point), you still need to be careful. He may know someone who has lost a lot of weight with this program; some programs work very well for some people. This does not mean that he will experience the same type of success.

If you’ve tried to lose weight with diet pills and shakes before and then gained back every pound you lost, or lost no weight at all, then there’s a good chance you’ll experience the same results with the Suddenly Slim plan.


Because crash diets like this offer only a temporary solution. Sure, he can lose a few pounds and feel great for a month or so, but then he’ll tire of taking supplements and drinking diet shakes that leave him hungry and cranky. In addition, the expense of having to buy the products each month will affect your budget.

Many people have reported initial success with Suddenly Slim, but then say they have gained the weight back. The reason is simple: using supplements and shakes to lose weight is not a very good long-term weight loss strategy. Also, this plan claims that you can pretty much eat whatever you want at restaurants while on their plan.

Yes of course. Have you seen the portions they serve in restaurants lately?

Unfortunately, I can’t tell you if the Suddenly Slim diet plan is safe for you, because everyone is different, the effects this diet will have on your body are unknown. However, I can tell you which diets really work: a diet plan that is grounded in reality and includes proper nutrition and moderate exercise, and also helps you achieve realistic weight loss for life.

You can choose a temporary solution like Lose Weight Suddenly, or you can choose a weight loss plan that guides you to look and feel better for the rest of your life. You can choose a plan that really teaches you how to stay slim and healthy. If you do it right, you’ll never have to look at a fad diet plan again.