This week I watched the new popular movie “The Social Network” which tells the story of how a very angry individual who had a fight with his girlfriend decided to get drunk and “get revenge” on her. He spent a few hours creating a website that would allow Harvard students to vote for the mates of the girls he displayed on their screens. In two hours, there were 22,000 visits to the site.

This led to an offer for the programmer, named Mark Zuckerberg, to develop a website that would allow college students to share their lives with each other. But instead of delivering the product that he promised to those who hired him, he created the Facebook software. His best and only friend, according to the movie, finances the project. Since its launch, the friend and the people who had hired him have fought Zuckerberg for a share of the profit and notoriety.

Facebook is recognized around the world and is used for many different things. Sometimes people track down and reunite with family members or acquaintances from their past. Others may begin to establish new relationships with people from the neighbor or from the other side of the world.

The recent rebellion in Egypt was apparently fueled by people who used both Facebook and Twitter as a powerful communication tool.

Unfortunately, like everything else, Facebook can be used inappropriately. Many people become obsessed and, as a result, spend hours and hours that could otherwise be used for studying, regular tasks, or improving relationships with the people around them. Some compromise with people who make false promises or openly lie about their true situation. Facebook can generate jealousy in partners and danger for children who are deceived by pedophiles who use the Internet for their own selfish gain.

Sometimes I ask my clients questions like “Is fire good or bad?” Well, it depends what you use it for. You can heat your home or burn it with fire. “Is the water good or bad?” It depends what you use it for. You can drink it or drown in it.

So when it comes to Facebook, I ask the same kind of question: “Is Facebook good or bad?” and the answer is “It depends what you use it for”.

The First Lady of the United States was a recent guest on NBC’s Today Show and told host Matt Lauer, “I’m not a big fan of little kids having Facebook. So, you know, it’s not something they need. It’s not necessary at this time. ” His two daughters are banned from the site by their parents.

In fact, Facebook has a policy that states that users must be 13 years or older.

So when it comes to making good decisions, once again, parents need to get involved in areas where there is risk. Just as your child needs to be taught safety procedures, such as not taking strangers transportation or staying out longer than curfew, he / she needs firm guidance on Facebook. Oh, and if you don’t know anything about it, you need to find out or make sure no one in your household is involved until you do.

Remember, even the creator was up to “no good” when it all started!