These past few weeks and months have given many of us an unexpected opportunity to spend more time outdoors. Unable to work or go outside unless for essential reasons, like shopping or exercising, many of us have turned to walking, running, and bicycling as the motivating factor for getting out of the house.

Shopping online has become a way of life for many, and home delivery of food, clothing, and all sorts of goods is gaining popularity. Services are also increasingly being sourced online with exercise classes, zoom meetings, and networking making their way into many homes.

Many children have been home schooled, and parents have desperately sought a variety of ways to entertain, amuse, and tire out their children. Baking has found unprecedented levels of popularity. Therefore, as an alternative to hunched over a computer or cooped up indoors, many people have sought some joy by spending time in nature.

Spending time in nature is important for many reasons..

– We have been lucky with wonderful weather during the summer months, a blessing that provided space and time away from the four walls of our homes. Many families have never spent this much time together, except for Christmas or the holidays, which can be fine when you know how long it’s going to last, you still have a job, and life is good.

– Establish something similar to the routine. it helps to introduce a little control into our lives, a reason to get up, wash up, change out of pajamas, and restore some order. Spending time outdoors regularly can do just that, giving you a sense of purpose, accomplishment, and perhaps even the opportunity to enjoy pleasant conversations with other family members or some alone time.

– It is important to remember that time outdoors in nature offers many important health benefits. We can increase our vitamin D levels, take a deep breath of fresh, clean air, maybe walk briskly, and increase our fitness and oxygen levels. Also, the fall and winter months encourage hibernation, where we produce more melatonin and feel sleepy. Recharge your serotonin levels by getting outside in the daylight and feeling brighter as a result. Plus, support your eyes by refocusing away from computer screens and enjoying distant views.

– It smells too! Flowers passing by, leaves and brush passing by, or even the unexpected smell when a nearby farm dispenses slurry onto its fields.

– Turn off constant noise It is important. Some people choose to run, walk or bike and have podcasts or phones to keep them company. But sometimes, turning off noise and unrelated stimuli allows your time in nature to be a more immersive experience. The sounds of nature, the early morning birdsong, the rustling of the reeds alerting you that the young are on the move, even the gentle grazing of sheep or cattle can be a very special part of your day.

– Commit to a regular time in nature. it means that throughout the year we can enjoy the newly hatched ducklings, watch their progress and be proud when their mother sees several of her young survive, a gentle reminder that nature can be harsh but still ‘appears’ every day. We can marvel at the way delicate and fragile wildflowers still bloom, even after drought, torrential rain, or harsh winter weather.

– We are able to smile. while we see the incredible nursery system operated by geese; they have been known to gather up to 40 young as they travel the waterways. Or see protective swans safeguarding their chicks, see herons, partridges, foxes in their natural habitat, cautiously letting us pass.

And then there are the familiar faces., where we exchange a smile, a wink or even a few words of greeting if our daily walk has become a regular feature of our lives. Dog walkers often exchange pleasantries that sometimes result in new friendships, recommendations, and keeping up with the local news.

– There is another rhythm of life. in nature, a rhythm that does not need a clock or clock. Sometimes he is full of joy, other times he is less so. But it’s good to disconnect from our own world and values ​​for a while, especially at a time when many of us are overwhelmed with worries and hardly know what day it is or what the future holds.

– Taking a break from the house It is important. If the weather is bad, you can bundle up and then come home to steaming cups of hot cocoa, a warm bath, or perhaps a meal that’s been slow cooking while you’ve been out. Enjoy the change of scenery, the time to do something with the family, chat, share a walk, a game or a nature trail, take care of the garden, or have some time alone to disconnect, relax and clear your mind.

For many reasons, spending time in nature has become a very rewarding time.