When it comes to relocation, there are many things that need to be resolved. Let’s take a look at office relocation and family relocation to see what the different processes would be.

office relocation

This can be a pretty chaotic time for a business. It’s one thing to move a single family, and quite another to move many people and all their various files, documents and workstations. You will need to ensure that all sensitive documents are placed in sealed boxes or locked filing units so that only authorized persons have access to the information. You do not want the relocation company to have access to your confidential salary information or client information. You also don’t want anyone outside of payroll to have access to other employees’ salary information.

You also need to make sure that each desk and computer goes to the person who originally used it. This means you’ll need to make sure each computer and monitor is properly labeled with the name of the person using it. Time is an important factor when it comes to an office relocation. People don’t want to spend a lot of time unpacking and waiting for their things to arrive. They want to get to the new office and start working almost immediately.

family relocation

This is significantly easier than office relocation. There is generally a lot more to pack per person, but fewer overall people to move. There is also no sensitive information to take care of. It’s pretty simple to pack everything in boxes and label it according to the room it’s supposed to go in and then place the boxes in that room and unpack as needed. You will also be able to make use of all the family members to unpack all the boxes as there is nothing really sensitive to worry about. This makes packing and unpacking much easier and faster as many hands make for a lighter job. It may also take longer to unpack everything once you have it in your new home, since you may not need it right away.

The complexity of any move generally depends on how many people are relocating. The more people there are, the more complex it becomes. There will be more boxes to organize and pack and unpack. This is the reason why an office move is usually much more complicated than a family move. Of course, the sooner you start planning things and preparing, the easier it will be to get things back on the other end.

As you can see, there is a big difference between an office relocation and a family relocation, mainly due to the number of people moving. However, there is a common denominator, planning. Planning will always make things go better and faster.