Anyone who has ever paid attention will realize that there is a rhythm to life. The seasons come and go, animals migrate, and the tides swing regularly. The best known rhythm is the transfer from night to day and vice versa. To maximize our energy levels, we need to find the natural rhythm of energy and go with it, not against it. If we try to cancel these rhythms that Mother Nature has instituted, we do so at our own peril.

Look at our energy rhythms. We need to work and spend energy but then we also need to completely disconnect and recover as much energy as possible. This is one of the rhythms of energy and life that I speak of. When we try to go against this cycle, our bodies begin to break down and we find ourselves completely deprived of the most important assets we possess, our health and our energy.

In order to maximize our energy levels, we as a society need to better listen to our bodies and work with them instead of trying to go against them.

For example, think of the more familiar rhythm called the circadian rhythm. It is a 24-hour cycle that controls sleep and wakefulness. Although it varies slightly from person to person, this cycle usually has an 8-hour sleep cycle to 16 hours of being awake.

The interesting thing is that we have another rhythm called the ultradian rhythm. This rhythm is much more subtle, but you may have felt its effect on you. Every 90 to 120 minutes your body completes one of these cycles. You probably have the experience regularly where after about 90 minutes you start to feel a bit tired. It can be as subtle as it starts to be hard to concentrate or focus. You may also feel a little thirsty or want a small snack. This is the ultradian rhythm in action.

Our body asks for rest. The course of action we need to take is to get up and walk away from our desk. Go somewhere to completely unplug for 10-15 minutes. Walking over to a friend’s cubicle to talk about work-related stuff doesn’t count as a total disconnect. We should also try to drink a little water during this break and eat a very light snack such as a piece of fruit or better still a vegetable. This takes a bit of planning, I know, but it will be worth it.

What we should do and what we actually do is a stark contrast. Most of the time we try to get our bodies through this valley of energy and we push ourselves by not stopping what we are doing or by trying to stimulate ourselves (literally to death) by ingesting sugars and caffeine.

Donuts, coffee, soda, or energy drinks are the worst things to put in your body at that time because of the energy consequences. You’re guaranteeing that you’ll be dead tired within an hour or two once the sugar rush is over.

So the next time you’re working for an extended period, plan your breaks. Remember that these breaks should be a time to completely unplug and shift your focus to something completely unrelated. A quick tip that many have found helpful is to set an alarm on your watch or cell phone to remind you to take these breaks. Also, bring healthy snacks to work so you won’t be tempted by that vending machine. And finally, invest in a refillable water bottle and take it with you. You will immediately feel healthier and stronger, and as a result, you will have much more energy!