A few years deep into the construction world, I have learned more than I could have anticipated. One obvious difference from other industries I’ve worked in is the opportunity for a relationship to take many more forms than conventional ones, and it’s all dictated by a willingness to go the extra mile. What I discovered is that all construction business development managers have their own style and tools for finding leads. When managers with slightly different approaches come together to collaborate, I’ve found there are great ways to gain new insights and benefit from information exchanges.

It can be exhausting to go from a coffee meeting, to a networking lunch, to happy hour hookups: this kind of presence can unsettle even the most energetic DB administrator. While quantity is important, I’ve been taking more advantage of the relationship approach, and in my world, this is best done with a smaller circle repetitively. Rather than being exposed to someone in a trading card exchange once, it has served me better to schedule ongoing meetings with another business development manager/agent over coffee in a nice setting where both parties can relax and enjoy an escape. brief but productive of Salesforce that is coming. Chores.

While I think it’s always nice to mingle at late-night commercial real estate-focused events over a drink with a new contact, I’ve seen a new contrast in more one-on-one networking environments where both parties understand each other’s typical scope and are Able to draw parallels in industry news to collaborate on ways to engage the interests of both parties. I’ve recently teamed up with a few connections to exchange our hit lists and keep an eye out for any information that may benefit others. When one person wins a relationship, it is understood that the other person will be introduced from the mutual effort that led to the bond.

Other topics I’ve delved into that can enhance any DB manager’s pipeline are new tools and free programs that either party has found successful in use for lead generation. Sharing these media can save valuable time and open doors that might not otherwise have been accessible. More detailed opportunity information (when not confidential) may also be shared in circumstances where a specific project is not a good fit for one party, but may end up being ideal for the other.

There are also new perspectives on conflict resolution that can be introduced through the experience of a connection. These conversation discoveries are not limited to one contractor and his competition working in the same capacity. An architect or engineer is likely to have a unique perspective on a discovery of previous project challenges.

My emphasis in relation to commercial construction is that the relationships between various parties in the project life cycle are a wise use of time if managed in the ways mentioned above. Whether a general contractor sits down with an engineer, architect, designer, furniture supplier, brand specialist, or subcontracting partner, the potential for collaboration is there for those who want it.