Rails application

The basic components of a Rails application are routes, controllers, actions and views. Routes are used to direct traffic from the client’s browser to the correct part of a web app. Controllers are used to handle request handling, actions are used to execute code and views are the rendering of this code.

The MVC (Model-View-Controller) design pattern divides responsibilities of an application to make it easier to reason about and maintain. Ruby on Rails follows this convention by default, but if you want to do something different or you prefer another approach, ruby on rails course is flexible enough to accommodate your choice.

Many Rails applications use partials when creating reusable view components. This helps them avoid a lot of code duplication and makes it easier to render views logically related to each other. However, these reusable templates often have a lot of embedded Ruby and can quickly become complicated to understand and maintain.

What are the different components of a Rails application?

A better alternative is a framework called ViewComponent, which creates re-usable, testable & encapsulated view components in Rails. It offers many advantages over partials, including:

Instead of view-related logic being scattered across models, controllers and helpers, all that logic is consolidated into a single class, making it easier to understand the logic in your templates. In addition, methods are implemented within the scope of the template, encapsulating them in proper object-oriented fashion.

Because sap analytics cloud tutorials use a standard Ruby initializer, the data needed to render a template is explicitly known at compile time. This eliminates the implicit interface that traditional Rails templates have, which can lead to subtle bugs in rendering them in different contexts.

On average, ViewComponents are about 10 times faster than partials. This is because components are preloaded during application boot time, instead of being loaded on each request like partials are.

Since all logic is encapsulated in one place, it’s easy to enforce code quality standards on ViewComponents. Furthermore, unit tests for ViewComponents can be written much more easily than with traditional Rails templates.

Using ViewComponents has helped us to write more code that is easier to read and maintain, resulting in less bugs and more productivity overall. In addition, we’ve also been able to write more test cases and have more robust test coverage for our Rails apps.

The idea of DRY is a principle of software development that says “every piece of knowledge must have an authoritative, unambiguous representation in the system”. By using ViewComponents we can do this by creating multiple, identical versions of each view component to reduce repetitive code and make our code more maintainable.

We can also do this by implementing a test suite for each of our components, which is far easier to manage than with traditional Rails templates. Additionally, because ViewComponents are a plain old Ruby object, they are simple to enforce code quality standards on.

Despite their many advantages, ViewComponents aren’t perfect and there are still some things you should avoid doing. In the end, though, they’re a great solution for many projects and are well worth considering when you start your next Rails project.