Are you looking for a social activity that is fun, builds your confidence and gives you attention-grabbing dance skills? Look no further than Modern Jive.

You do not need to bring a partner to attend classes or jive events. You can master very attractive dance moves in a relatively short time. The modern jive commands attention at weddings and almost any social event and you can dance it to any 4/4 music.

Most importantly, modern jive dancing is a great way to meet people, and smart guys know that it’s a great way to meet girls in a relaxed atmosphere with a shared passion.

Modern jive is partner dancing, and like most things, knowing dance etiquette will help you always get the most out of your dance experience. Keep these important tips in mind and, whether you’re a man or a woman, there will be people lining up to dance with you.

1. Invite someone to dance

There is no permanent ceremony in modern jive. If you want a dance just ask for one. Yes, that includes you ladies! You don’t need to wait for the guys to ask you, you can ask them too.

Whether you’re new, nervous, or terribly shy, few things will do more for your dancing, your overall confidence, and your sense of accomplishment than inviting others to dance with you. So just make eye contact, hold out your hand and say “Would you like to dance?” Guys love to be asked to dance, and unless they’re taking a breather after a previous dance, they’ll usually say yes.

Guys, unlike clubs where the chances of rejection when asking for a dance are pretty high, on a modern jive night or event it’s rare for that to happen. As long as you’re polite and respectful, you’re guaranteed a “yes, I’d love to dance” response, so don’t hesitate to ask even if you’re a beginner.

2. Say yes when they ask you for a dance

When you arrive at modern jive, it is assumed that you have come to dance. It takes very little time to get to know people, so when you are asked to dance, whether you are a beginner or a professional, the general rule is to accept. Of course, if you’re on break or there’s another good reason to turn down a dance, it’s perfectly fine to say no or suggest the next dance.

Tip: Turning down a dance because the person isn’t the best dancer in the room is not a good reason to turn down a dance. In fact, if you only dance with cool or cool dancers, people will think you’re a dance snob, and this can reduce how often you dance. Even great dancers need to rest.

3. Make eye contact and smile

Some people need time to get completely comfortable with eye contact. However, dancing is like a conversation, so look at your partner (not at a distance or at whatever else is happening on the dance floor).

Avoid looking down at your partner (it can feel aggressive), try looking at a point between their eyes or the bottom of their earlobe or shoulder from time to time. Along with a smile, this tells your partner that you are enjoying dancing with them.

4. Focus on your partner and dancing together

Leave thoughts about your work, or what’s for dinner, or how someone else is dancing for later. Your partner will quickly sense if your mind is elsewhere, so leave any baggage off the dance floor and focus on making dancing fun for your partner. Dancing is a fun way to forget about stress and worries, even if it’s only for a couple of hours. It’s no fun dancing with someone distant. Also, if you’re not paying attention, you might miss important cues. So be sure to look at your partner, smile, talk and enjoy the music and dance.

5. Respect and encourage your partner

Learning to dance is a brave step towards a new future for many of us. You could be dancing with the next social star. Everyone who comes to the modern jive is looking to learn a new skill and have fun. If you are helping someone to progress, always encourage them instead of criticizing them. Compliment them when they do something right, maybe offer a tip or two. You will do wonders for their trust. If you have genuine criticism, always talk to a teacher first and ask how to encourage improvement in certain areas.

6. Hmm… What’s that food smell you’re wearing?

“You smell like garlic and bacon” isn’t really what you want to hear from your dance partner, and breathing pungent fumes on them will do little to endear you as a dancer. Avoid spicy foods before dancing and always carry mints with you to be doubly sure that you have pleasantly fresh breath. Take a shower before class (it just takes a little effort to remember what a long day you’ve had at work) and always carry a little deodorant with you just in case.

7. Men lead

In partner dancing, men generally lead. If a mistake is made, it is almost always the men’s fault. So ladies, feel free to relax with the moves and don’t try to lead the dance. Be alert, watch for signs, enjoy yourself and help him look good!

8. Eliminate all lethal weapons

Ladies: Long hair, rings, and sharp nails can become quite lethal weapons when dancing modern jive, so guys will really appreciate it if you help them by tying up long hair, removing rings (particularly those with large stones), and dangling. earrings and keeping fingernails short. Men: keep those cell phones out of belts and holsters, because they can interfere with movement.

9. Smile and have fun!

You may be new, shy or just afraid to hit the dance floor, just do it and have fun. Each dancer was a beginner once. You’ll find a modern jive session welcoming and inclusive, so jumping and dancing is the fastest way to get it right.

Modern Jive is a fun way to build your confidence and the more you do it, the more people will want to dance with you.

Don’t be surprised if your dance card and social journal are full in a matter of months.