In this article, I’ll give you 5 more compelling reasons why Pay Per Play (PPP) advertising is the wave of the future.

If you’re a pay-per-click affiliate, you don’t want to miss this article, especially if you’re in the Google AdSense program with a measly conversation rate.

You will also find out how to make money with this program even if your web traffic is miserable.

Okay, let’s dive into the reasons.

diminishing advertising return

Already the main brands, including the big 8 in advertising, observed the decrease in advertising return. Compared to the past, it is simply not effective to advertise and invest in TV commercials.

With more and more people spending more time online, more advertisers will switch to advertising on the Internet.

The invention of digital video recorders (DVRs) could be one of the main culprits for the return of in-home advertising. Because? Simple. Studies show that 90% of DVR owners are fast-forwarding through TV commercials!

strong association

Partnering with one of the major search engines means that PPP ads can reach 29.7 billion individual web pages in the virtual world almost instantly.

Can you see the huge potential of this partnership? This is an almost endless source of prospects that you can refer to this program and make a referral commission from (I’ll talk more about the referral program in reason number 9).

The power in audio

Research shows that 78% of people have an audio system in their computer, which is kept on at all times.

In addition, audio returns the human touch to advertising. If cold hard written advertising like the Google AdSense program is doing well, audio ads can only do better. This is good news for publishers, as it means advertisers will be more willing to spend money to run audio ads on websites.

Integral formation

A number of free trainings are now available to help publishers succeed with this new method of advertising.

Without a doubt, NetAudioAds, the pioneer of pay-per-play, is determined to grow with its publishers. Even if you are a newbie to the net, the step-by-step training material will take you by the hand. They will take you from scratch to a proficient level, where you can earn money from the program.

Part of the training includes,

  • How to contact website owners
  • Using Yahoo to find adsSense leads
  • How to set up a capture page on your website
  • How to set up a free website to host your PPP code
  • How to communicate with prospects
  • How to use Facebook to build your PPP network

Training videos are currently in development to make learning easy and enjoyable.

These training materials are extremely valuable, especially if you don’t know where to start to get prospects to join the program.

lucrative payment plan

Okay, if other reasons don’t excite you, I think this one will. It could be the deciding reason why you should be a part of the pay-per-play advertising community.

Unlike the Google AdSense program, PPP allows you to monetize 100% of your web traffic without selling anything (I know I mentioned that before).

Let me go into the details. Your visitor does not need to click anything. When they land on your site, you are paid 25% of the “per play” revenue spent by advertisers playing audio ads on your website.

On average, 25% is much more than what Google AdSense pays the webmaster for clicks.
You can also choose to participate in the 30 second advertising plan and get paid more for the longer airtime.

One way to maximize your earnings is to post a 30 second ad on a high traffic page.

“But the traffic to my site is miserable!” you exclaimed.

No problem. You can still earn money through the referral program.

In addition to 25%, pay-per-play advertising also offers 5% of what the advertiser spends on PPP advertising played on websites.

  • of which you mean
  • Let your direct referrals bring on board

So that’s three streams of income from one program. But I suspect not for long. NetAudioAds is limiting the number of publishers that can enjoy referral earnings to 2 levels.

These are the main group of marketing partners that will continue to earn referral income. Once the top marketing openings are filled, you will most likely only be able to earn income from the sites you control.

Look, unless you have millions of visitors to your site now, I think it’s easier and more profitable to convert leads to direct referrals.

Who else wants to be one of your top marketing partners and enjoy the lucrative earnings of this pay-per-play advertising program? You do? Then go ahead and monetize your website with PPP.

By the way, did I tell you it’s free to join this program?

Are you ready for this challenge?